Saturday, November 26, 2005

Pacific Northwest Holidays

Oh how I love Mount Rainier, friend, family, coffee shops galore, plenty of local brews, "mist" aka icky rain, flying fish, underground tours, people in hiking boots everywhere, the influx of Outbacks ( I swear you are not someone unless you drive one), bars with bulls in them, and more. The trip to Oregon and Washington was a hit. I got to see Gene, my cousin, her wonderful friends, Sarah B from HS and Bobby. Went to the Underground Tour in Seattle, the Seattle Museum of Art, Pike's Market, mosied in Downtown Portland, got back into swimming, and managed to eat 2 great Tday dinners.

Here are some highlight photos:

Monday, November 14, 2005

Joshua Tree!!!!

Iran and I had a great time in Joshua Tree this weekend :)
getting hissed and shaked at by a rattle snake that was less than a foot away
listening to coyotes howl all night
meeting weird people that live in the desert
seeing an actual road runner
hiking lots and lots