Saturday, July 08, 2006

Grand Mesa Fe

Santa Fe is surprisingly cute and extremely artsy. Last night we went out for a Tex-Mexy meal and I had really tasty Mole Chicken and green rice. What's the deal with that? Do they grow green rice, put food coloring in it, cook it with spinach?
Mesa Verde was also wonderful - it's very well preserved ruins from a group of Puebloan People. Apparently Anasazi is not PC anymore and I almost fell over when this very astute 10 year old asked the tour guide:
"Why did the Indians, I mean Native Americans, I mean Anasazis, oh, I mean Puebloan Poeple, trade sand stone for other rocks? Who would have wanted their rock since it's so soft?"
Haha. I like to be PC and all, but it is getting harder and harder in my old age to keep up with all of this. I hope today at the Santa Fe Farmer's Market I don't misspeak and end up smacked across the head :)
The Grand Canyon is very appropriately named...hiked for a while until the thunderstorm came and kicked everyone and their moms (me included) onto one of the very few Grand Canyon busses (can't drive in most parts there). If you think public restrooms smell, try a bus full of drenched hikers. Most from Europe. It's true: many Europeans do wear deodorant, but many don't. However, that didn't ruin the spectacular views and wonder the Canyon holds. Pictures can't capture it, but I am trying here....
(Wild Animal Park - San Diego - Amazing place!)

1 comment:

Leslie H said...

Speaking of PC, I don't think the New Mexicans would like you calling their cuisine "Tex Mex." (In real Tex Mex, the rice is orange and the beans refried.)
