Saturday, July 16, 2005

An American in Bangkok

Status: Lost in Bangkok
Update of things done:
--Subway and Sky Train rides (nice, surprisingly easy to navigate, airconditioned system!)
-- Changtuk Weekend Market (you can buy fishies, underwear, lights, furniture, smelly food, shoes, paintings, jewelry, purses, bride dresses aka anything you could ever want!)
-- Ate dinner with Noi (a friend's Thai host sister) and her friend - food was great and they are very nice. Sarah - she says hello and is very curious why I didn't bring you :)
-- Met a Michigan fan - wooo hoooo - and talked football (real football...not soccer)

I have tried to get my pictures online but it isn't working....Check out Leslie's blog - we have the same pictures basically - and enjoy!

okay...time to find Jim Thompson's house. Wish me luck :)

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